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Friday, July 27, 2007

A Honor to Meet you.....

July 23, 2007--A day that will live in my heart forever as a day that my heart was deeply touched yet again by an artist who truly seeks the Lord's approval. It was our day, Amber and I's to celebrate our 3 year anniversary and we did it in Six Flags in St. Louis. A day of relaxation, rides that make you sick (literally), hand holding and reflexing on the love you bound some three years ago, and a night of worship amist the noisy confinds of the park. We wound the evening down with "the man"....who for a better lack of description mimmicks the 21st century "David" of the Bible in the way his ministry "seeks after God's own heart."

After the second song, Amber and I's eyes were closed in worship over the words being sung by Jeremy. His passion for Jesus, his love others, and the passion within his words all came out in his testimony of song. If you haven't heard him, thought much of his music, you are truly missing out on one of the greatest ministries of music we have to listen to today. I was privileged to hear him for the first time live and even better, was blessed to meet him, get his autograph, pray with him, and forever capture the moment with him in picture. He's lived a life thus far that reflects God's grace, love and perserverence and has a lot to share to encourage those who hear his voice. To him, maybe someday he can read these words....THANK YOU, for blessing my life everytime I was spiritually in need, his music was there; and as he hugged me goodbye and stated he would pray for me and my ministry, I knew he was sincere.

God bless you in your ministry Jeremy and may those who get a chance to hear your voice in music, be blessed forever.

Visit Jeremy's website at: Jeremy Camp or his MySpace at: Jeremy Camp

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