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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Get Over Yourself!

Somebody once told me.....and told me....and told me yet again that the only way to let God in to work, is to "Get over yourself". In ministry your goal and prayers are that these moments will become fewer and farther between, yet somehow, some way, when God deems in necessary, He gives you a reminder of how its not about YOU, but about HIM.

Life comes at you fast sometimes and the passing moments are hard to recollect and make sure they are the passing thoughts and comments you want them to be as they travel from your lips and display from your body to another. God doesn't take second place anywhere or anytime, He's the most aggressive Father you'll ever have and more than not, will show you more "tough love" than even your parents can give.

I express this as a pastor who falls short everyday of the glory of God and knows that sometimes when you let your accomplishments of the PAST overshadow the decisions of tomorrow, you push God away from the reigns of control and then you have to wait out the crazy ride that lies ahead. Its like driver's education all over again, let the instructor teach you all the tricks to keep you safe out on the road of this world; don't think you know what He'll say next and then wreck the car (and your life). So I say to you now....GET OVER YOURSELF, and Get back into God!

1 comment:

WICK said...

sometimes I screw up on purpose...just to make sure I'm not too confident in myself. But then I get side-tracked, thinking "wow, I'm pretty good at screwing up"....then the arrogance comes. Ah well.