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Monday, June 2, 2008

Are you ready?

Its been awhile since I last wrote and it seems like so much has happened. Nothing tragic to us mind you, but my heart has gone out to all those who have suffered such Armageddon-like events in the last two months....from earthquakes to volcano eruptions, it seems more and more like Christ is prepping us for his second coming. I wrote this poem in hopes to share that emotion I felt while witnessing these past events and to try and encourage hope for tomorrow....for us all.

Signs of the Times

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....or so they are told.
Rhythms and rhymes, they mark the chimes of the music that express our reasons to mold.
To stand out and rise above for this is how we get our love; our blissful script of egotistical.
The surface can mock this figment of a whimsical wish as many hearts stay trapped within this deep sinful lisp.

The unforeseen now pulsates reality’s blood as it is spilled across our unexpected tragic loss.
Debris destroys what was once sturdy, unevening the lives between those alive and hurting.
This puzzle that lies beneath their feet symbolizes their securities shredded unable to piece.
The signs that shock and incapable to read leaves us wondering are these the times that won’t leave us be?

Reports and news flash one after another; do we choose these acts or are they sins that smother?
The story was written with an end already concluded; can we save at all what’s already polluted?
Young ones shot, divorce rate high, is this how our spirit shall die? Cancer engulfing, no money to buy....the simple things we need to survive. Is this the recipe for the signs of the times?

Many have dreamt about, many have spoke about, many have wrote about.... sin’s final route.
Will I be a catalyst for the flipping of the switch? The spilling of negativity that will spawn Armageddon’s impulsivity? Will we cause the fight that will make us believers take flight?
No answers have been given, no predictions made truths; we will only know the how, the when will come only after the “then”....

Today I witnessed the flood that submerged a town of few, “then” hail the storms that brew.
Today I saw a mother and son punch, yell and fight, “then” the sky split apart to the light.
Today I heard I was going to be cut with a knife, placed in the morgue out of someone’s spite.
Today could be the “then” that could be life’s final written chapter due to an action done by me.

What are your signs of the times? Is it a birth or a death? Is it a hesitant pause or a still breath?
How will you live your last days untold? Will you worry the days to old? Or will you cherish that which you can hold? The signs are warnings to this we know, will HE tell you when its time to go? Or will you be the one looking up left alone?

Chad E. Taylor 5/31/08